The twilight of determinism and categorical openness of determination in the context of expounding the issue of freedom

Krzysztof Rojek



While the classical form of determinism seems to be in regress as the thesis of physical indeterminism has now been justified, the deterministic model of scientific description of phenomena has not been devalued in science methodologies. However, the present disciplinary forms of determinisms do not represent an unambiguous, uniform, universal, absolute and directly determining pattern, appropriately typical for the classical concept of determinism. In the context of deliberations on the issue of freedom, that fact prompts thinking on the scope of contemporary deterministic elucidations as well as queries whether contemporary compatibilist explanations are still valid with regard to incoherent determinisms. Examining the category of determination will help, among others, to assess the adequacy of Nicolai Hartmann’s philosophy against the background of the on-going dispute over freedom. The thesis of determinative pluralism, rooted in the ontology of the real being, points to the axiological context as indispensable for explaining the problem of freedom, as it is going beyond its often narrowed framework.


determinism; determination; compatibilism; freedom; Nicolai Hartmann

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Date of publication: 2021-08-30 02:28:21
Date of submission: 2021-06-15 23:50:58


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