The Concept of Wisdom. A Qualitative Case Study The Concept of Wisdom. A Qualitative Case Study of St. Faustina in the Light of Interdisciplinary Research

Renata Łukiewicz-Kostro, Jakub Majchrzak


The present paper has an interdisciplinary character and is placed at the crossroads of a few disciplines, namely philosophy, theology and linguistics. Philosophy and theology, namely Christian personalism, constitutes the theoretical background for a qualitative linguistics case study of the original source text The Diary by a contemporary female Polish Catholic mystic and prophetess, Faustina Kowalska. The direct goal is to describe the concept of “wisdom” embedded in her mystical and prophetic written record. The methods and tools have a mixed-character and come from social sciences and humanities (SSH). Both well-established mainstream perspectives and less obvious, complementary approaches coming from the newly emerging sub-disciplines in linguistics, were used. The original, experimental focus is laid upon the qualitative linguistic analysis of the semantic field of  a single lexical unit “wisdom” extracted from the original authentic text under the analysis. The results showed the concept of “wisdom” in the spiritual text explored is more extended with comparison with the concepts described by other sciences and that mystical and prophetic spiritual literature, i.e. original source texts are a great source of knowledge of human minds and thinking, in general.


wisdom; brain; heart; cognition; revelation; reason; female Catholic mysticism and prophecy; Christian personalism; St. Faustina

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Date of publication: 2024-07-31 22:58:06
Date of submission: 2024-01-22 17:12:41


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