Historical relativity of moral values and historical relativism

Antoni Płoszczyniec


The aim of this text is a critical reflection on historical-axiological relativism. According to the thesis of the work, the (possible) relativity of moral values does not entail relativism. In other words: one can affirm the relativity (in some aspects) of moral values or morality itself, while rejecting the relativistic view of moral values. The article applies analytical methods. First of all, the above-mentioned methods serve to highlight the constitutive properties of moral values (in particular other-planning), and later to reconstruct the structure of relativistic concepts. The collected information is used for criticism, which proceeds in two ways: it criticizes the relativistic content of historical relativism and criticizes the thesis that history has the power to make values relative. At the end of the text, an original argument was formulated, according to which history itself cannot make moral values relative, which makes historical relativism a non-independent position.


moral values; historicity; history; relativism; anti-relativism; relativity; axiology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/kw.2024.38.57-76
Date of publication: 2024-12-31 23:41:29
Date of submission: 2024-08-26 21:16:52


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