Children of Prisoners at School – Needs, Threats and Support Possibilities

Sonia Dzierzyńska-Breś


Introduction: Parental imprisonment cause negative influence on children life. Despite of this, institutions such as schools , that should provide support and help to this group do not undertake such activities, making this group "invisible".

Research Aim: The aim of the article is to present the school experiences of children of prisoners in the context of the needs and threats, and to present those school interactions that may become key to shaping mental resilience in this group of students.

Evidence-based Facts: Still too little is known about the school experiences of children of prisoners. Such knowledge would help to build support programs for this group of children, adequate to their needs.

Summary: School is a place where through education and care we can create relationships, empower students and discover their resources. For some children of prisoners, school can be a place where they have a stable situation, people  that they can trust and where they feel accepted. However, the condition for this to happen is to equip teachers with the ability to build relationships with the student and create good practise that help them grow even in particularly difficult circumstances, which undoubtedly results from the imprisonment of a parent.


school, children of prisoners, good practise

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Date of publication: 2021-12-31 11:13:06
Date of submission: 2021-08-12 16:22:05


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