The Structure of Self-Knowledge in the Autism Spectrum: an Analysis of Individual Experience
Introduction: This study describes the self-knowledge structure of individuals on the autism spectrum, characterized as a set of personal judgments, evaluative judgments, and judgments related to personal standards. These judgments concern topics associated with personal and physical attributes, relationships with others, and intellectual capabilities.
Research Aim: The aim of the research presented in this article was to explore and describe the self-knowledge structure of the participant.
Method: The research questions were directed at describing the self-knowledge structure of an adult on the autism spectrum in relation to personality, intellectual, social, and physical domains. The study was conducted within an interpretative paradigm and utilized a dialogical method. For analysis and presentation of the autotelic case study, a single text was selected, which reconstructs the participant’s statements. This research material was analyzed
and interpreted according to the principles of phenomenography.
Results: The presented findings reveal the self-knowledge structure of an adult on the autism spectrum, displaying the participant’s self-description, self-evaluation and ideal of self across personality, intellectual, social, and physical domains.
Conclusions: Based on the analysis and interpretation of the empirical material, it can be inferred that adults on the autism spectrum possess a self-knowledge structure indicative of a mature stage of development. Evidence for this includes a hierarchical structure of self-knowledge. It is suggested that the level of self-insight may vary depending on the individual’s interest in each domain. Practical implications are oriented toward supporting individuals on the autism spectrum in the process of building self-knowledge.
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Date of publication: 2025-01-22 11:01:14
Date of submission: 2024-07-02 15:25:13
Copyright (c) 2025 Mirosława Kanar
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