Critical Pedagogy in the Face of the Arbitrariness of Places of Memory and Oblivion

Janusz A. Majcherek


Introduction: Location, territorial assignment, is an element of identity, both individual and collective They are expressed by such terms as Tarnovian (Tarnovians), Widzewian (Widzewians), Silesian (Silesians), New Yorker (New Yorkers), Alsatian (Alsatians), etc. Since the place of origin and residence significantly determines identity, its past becomes important for its formation, and places preserved and distinguished in individual and collective memory become special objects of care, often cult. However, as they are critical for the formation of identity, they are exposed to manipulation, mythologisation or even mystification, which sometimes leads to the creation of places of oblivion. Education and upbringing, influencing identity in the sensitive period of its formation in pupils and alumni, future citizens, must recognise such threats and oppose them.
Research Aim: To determine the influence of mechanisms shaping collective memory and its selectivity on the processes of creating places of memory, and thus the collective consciousness and identity of pupils and alumni and causing their disorders, as well as the possibilities and methods of their elimination by establishing places of memory in the existing places of oblivion and non-places of memory.
Evidence based Facts: Pedagogy of memorial sites is a relatively well-developed part of place pedagogy, the influence of memorial sites on educational and upbringing processes is recognized in many aspects. However, insufficient interest has been shown so far in the arbitrariness of the processes of creating these places of memory, resulting from the selectivity and bias of memory, both individual and collective, and especially the challenges posed by these processes to educators and educators. 
Summary: Educational and upbringing processes should not uncritically perpetuate - also in memorial rituals - the selection of places of remembrance and oblivion, made under the influence of historical policy and leading to the formation of deformed  consciousness and collective identity, but should be based on documented facts and events. This requires a critical approach to the existing set of places of memory and oblivion, its revision, and thus critical education, carried out in defiance of the dominant narratives. 


collective memory, collective identity, legitimizing identity, memorial rituals, post-memory

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Date of publication: 2025-03-25 23:48:43
Date of submission: 2024-09-03 12:59:51


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