Self -creation through art. Autoresocialisation of women in Custody in Bialystok

Anna Chańko, Agnieszka Sołbut


The intention of the authors is to persuade the leader to the statement that it is possible
to rehabilitate women through art. The actions which are undertaken in theatre help women with judgements to develop self-creation. Art allows you to acquire certain knowledge and skill, as well as characterological change of habits. Therefore, the rehabilitation of the penitentiary should be perceived as the process of personality transformation. The evidence of above can be seen in the women’s statements inmates in the Custody in Bialystok, which are placed in the text. They belong to the theatre group WORT H, operating in the custody. Their testimonies show that the rehabilitation theatre acts as a kind of catharsis, but also raises, educates and has a therapeutic power. The ability to play different roles, allows women prisoners self-diagnosis and self-reflection. Thanks to the theater actious the women can fill their deficits in the area of social communication and they shape valuable habits. Moreover, they prepare for life in accordance with the law in terms of liberty. They re-build on the solid foundation of the theater resocialisation. The prisoners’ involvement in the plays performances also allows the audience to believe in the transformation of women who had little hope for recovery, that might have been lost for the society in the audience perspective. Theater actions re-build self-esteem and can help establish social contacts by prisoner women.

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Date of publication: 2015-05-19 11:24:07
Date of submission: 2015-04-20 10:34:32


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