Intercultral sensitivity of professional athleats

Małgorzata Majerek


A lively discussion on cultural differences and the growing need for the development of intercultural communication were the impetus for writing this work. Article includes within its scope examination of the level of intercultural sensitivity of the professional athletes. For the implementation of the main and specific objectives set in the study was based on Intercultural Sensitivity Scale developed by Chen and Starosta. It takes into account five dimensions: interaction engagement, respect for cultural differences, interaction confidence, interaction enjoyment and interaction attentivenes. The collected research material shows that fact of playing in foreign club is significant factor differentiating the level of intercultural sensitivity. The study pointed out the development model of intercultural sensitivity Bennett.


intercultural sensitivity, intercultural communication competences, professional sport

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Date of publication: 2018-07-02 14:37:19
Date of submission: 2017-01-11 21:45:21


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