Archbishop Athanasius Martas and Autocephaly of the Belarusian Orthodox Church

Jerzy Garbiński


The article “Archbishop Athanasius Martas and the Autocephaly of the Belarusian Orthodox Church” attempts to identify and analyze internal and external factors related to the issue of autocephaly of the Belarusian Orthodox Church during the Second World War and in the three decades after the war.One of these factors is considered to be the inconsistency of the representatives of the former episcopate of the BAOC in Minsk (first of all, Archbishop Athanasius Martas and Archbishop Philafei Narko) as well as the Belarusian national political elites in the issue of the autocephaly of the Belarusian Orthodox Church and the ways of its implementation.


autocephaly, Belarusian Orthodox Church, episcopate BOAC, russification policy, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia


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Date of publication: 2022-01-16 11:27:47
Date of submission: 2022-01-15 22:10:30


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