The Financialization of Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange – the Sector Analysis

Błażej Socha, Dariusz Urban


This paper deals with the issue of financialization of companies. The main goal of this article was to answer the question about differences in the levels of financialization between groups of companies from different sectors. The research sample consisted of Polish companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and covered the period 2011–2017. The authors used synthetic indicators of company financialization reflcting their fiancial and investment performance. The results prove the existence of sectoral differences in the level of finances of the surveyed companies and the relatively small role of fiancial activity of non-financial enterprises in relationship to the operating activity.


financialization, ratios of financialization, listed companies

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Date of publication: 2019-02-19 12:20:48
Date of submission: 2018-04-28 16:48:08


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