The Hegel’s criticism of transcendentalism

Katarzyna Guczalska


Examined in this article is  G.W.F. Hegel’s criticism of transcendental philosophy as well as reasons for dissociating himself from I. Kant, J. G. Fichte and F.W.J. Schelling on that matter. The study is based on Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, and his two other works (The Difference Between Fichte's and Schelling's Systems of Philosophy, and Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences). The main idea of this article is to grasp Hegel’s ambivalent attitude towards transcendentalism, and ultimately the reasons for its rejection. Generally, the main drawback of transcendental philosophy boils down to questioning the mind's claims towards uncovering absolute truth. Yet at the same time, transcendentalism remains an eligible though limited thinking lapse within Hegel's conception of cognition and ontology. Aside from examining the criticism of transcendentalism, this article spells out what phenomenology is. Finally, it reviews in brief the reception of Hegel's phenomenology and its significance in the philosopher's output.




Hegel; phenomenology; transcendentalism; Kant; Fichte

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Date of publication: 2019-01-22 00:30:39
Date of submission: 2018-06-01 14:22:56


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