Typology of Early Childhood Education Teachers – Research Report

Ewa Magdalena Sosnowska-Bielicz


Introduction: The characteristics of the profession of an early childhood education teacher available in the literature indicate its peculiarity and certain differences from teachers of higher stages of education. The role of teachers, especially of small children, is special and today its uniqueness, rank and importance are beyond any doubt. In scientific studies we find characteristics and typologies of teachers, but there are few descriptions of teachers at this stage of education.

Research Aim: The aim of the research was to construct a typology of early childhood education teacher(s).

Method: The research used qualitative strategies, an informal interview with elements of narrative. Results: The analyzes conducted allowed us to distinguish the following types of early childhood education teachers: an enthusiast, a teacher with passion, a guardian, an authority and a strongwoman.

Conclusions: The proposed typology of early childhood education teacher(s) presented in the article allows for comparison with those recognized and functioning in the literature on the subject. It is an impulse for further discussions on the specificity of this profession, at the same time revealing previously undescribed types, i.e. a teacher with passion and, from the author’s point of view, representing the postulates of contemporary pedagogy.


early school education, teacher, typology of early school education teacher

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2024.43.2.57-73
Date of publication: 2024-09-05 10:36:35
Date of submission: 2023-09-18 15:37:57


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