Psychometric Properties of the Polish Social Empathy Questionnaire: Reliability, Validity, and Gender and Age Equivalence

Agnieszka Lasota


Introduction: Empathy is a dynamic developmental process, requiring flexible behaviour of the empathiser in the social context. Therefore, it is crucial to know and understand the social function of empathy and its dynamic nature in interpersonal relationships.
Research Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Social Empathy Questionnaire.
Method: This instrument measures empathy levels in interpersonal relationships among adults. It is based on four dimensions of empathy, i.e. taking the perspective of others, emotional sensitivity and concern for others, interpersonal flexibility and openness to compromise, and altruism – deferring decisions for the benefit of others. It assesses levels of empathy in a social context, especially in situations of conflict. Two studies were conducted with 1,149 adults aged 18 to 74 years.
Results: Study 1 confirmed the four-factor structure of the tool and assessed the reliability of the empathy dimensions. It also evaluated the measurement equivalence of the models for female and male gender and for age. Study 2 aimed to assess the convergent and discriminant validity.
Conclusion: The results confirmed that the 33-item Polish version of the Social Empathy Questionnaire has good psychometric properties. It can be used in research and as a diagnostic tool to help diagnose people with difficulties in establishing social relationships or at risk of social maladjustment. It may also be useful in business, especially in the recruitment of employees for positions that require effective interpersonal communication that impacts work efficiency.


social empathy, empathy questionnaire, psychometric properties, reliability, validity

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Date of publication: 2025-01-22 11:01:23
Date of submission: 2024-07-16 03:01:46


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