Psychological Contract Breach, and Stress in the Workplace

Agata Wołowska


Background: The main objective of this research was examine how breach of psychological contract, dimensions of psychological climate (psychological safety and psychological meaningfulness) and work – family conflict affect emotional exhaustion. Materials and metods: The data for this study were collected from 154 women and 53 men – Polish white-collar workers. To verify the hypothezis four instruments which measured emotional exhaustion, work – family conflict, breach of psychological contract and psychological climate, were used. Results: The research has shown that: breach of psychological contract, psychological climate and work – family conflict have a significant influence on emotional exhaustion in the group of women, but for men a significant predictor of the emotional exhaustion is only work – family conflict. Conclusion: Positive assessment of the psychological climate in the workplace can counteract emotional exhaustion for women.


emotional exhaustion; breach of psychological contract; psychological climate; work – family conflict

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Date of publication: 2019-12-28 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2019-10-15 20:38:25


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