A Mass Open Online Course in a Self-Study Process

Jacek Jędryczkowski


Making the free YouTube Analytics system available to the creators of didactic materials has created unprecedented opportunities for pedagogical research. Publishing videos and presentations on YouTube involves access to a number of reports and their juxtapositions. Tracking indicators of attention retention combined with the ability to filter results according to multiple criteria allows a wide range of research problems to be formulated. The mass character of this type of classified observation offers researchers new opportunities to interpret the behaviour of learning students, and above all to modify and implement the tested educational media. Initially, the analyses reflected only the learning outcomes of the recipients for whom multimedia courses containing original YouTube videos were designed. However, it soon turned out that they started to function as a mass open online course (MOOC), attracting the attention of hundreds of thousands of recipients. In this way, it was possible to generalise the observations made so far in relation to a very wide audience. Therefore, an attempt was made to answer questions concerning the learning strategy in the process of self-education of Internet users.


educational film; self-study process; YouTube Analytics; e-learning; MOOC; short multimedia messages

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2019.38.4.167-180
Date of publication: 2019-12-30 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2019-11-03 21:17:26


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