„III generation administration and social participation – evolution of the notion of participation in administrative procedure”

Mateusz Podhalicz


The aim of the present article is to indicate theoretical framework of creation of cooperation between the administration and the administered – also known as the third generation of administration, as well as examples of such solutions in practice in such legal systems as the US and the European law. The analysis will serve as background for assessment, whether in the polish legal system similar solutions may be adopted, or even perfected. Among other issues, it will be critical to answer, whether Polish Administration Procedure Code, even after its recent revision, does not amount to historical baggage, which hinders or even renders it impossibile to create a cooperation between private entities and public administration.


III generation administration, good governance, party in administrative proceedings

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/szn.2019.22.40.109-125
Date of publication: 2019-07-01 07:15:41
Date of submission: 2018-12-05 20:05:37


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