Dialogue and Internal Monologue in Young People with Asperger Syndrome

Tadeusz Gałkowski, Agnieszka Siedler


The internal dialogues were mostly related in various studies with the pathological aspects. For many years, problems of dialogical ego has been systematically described and analyzed by many researchers. The aim of the study is to evaluate the preference expressed by the persons with Asperger syndrome (AS) toward dialogues and monologues. Another purpose of the study was connected with eventual prevalence of ego in the internal dialogues which can be directed to one’s own ego or to the representations of others. This study comprised 22 young persons within the age range 12–19. There was applied modified version of inventory constructed by Puchalska-Wasyl. This method was adapted to the possibilities of subjects with AS. In conclusion, young people with AS more often are ready to realize the dialogues and monologues concerning external relations of their ego. In the case of internal engagement of ego, there was declared more often prevalence of internal monologues in opposite to dialogues. Autobiographies of people with AS can be a very helpful supplement for the analysis of narrations presented by persons with AS.


Asperger syndrome, narration psychology, dialogical ego, dialogue and monologue, autobiographies

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2016.35.3.107
Date of publication: 2017-06-07 13:31:15
Date of submission: 2016-10-18 13:01:54


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