Dimensions of Social-Emotional Health in Female and Male Students and Their Stress Coping Strategies
Introduction: Students experience elevated levels of stress. According to the covitality-based model of their social-emotional health, its dimensions include psychological “strengths” that contribute to shaping well-being and managing stress transactions.
Research Aim: The aim of the study was to identify differences and similarities in the level of psychological “strengths” between female and male students and to determine their relationship with the coping strategies they employ to deal with stress.
Research Method: The study utilized a diagnostic survey method and the CAWI (computer-assisted web interviewing) technique. The research material was collected using the Mini-COPE Inventory for Measuring Coping with Stress by Carver, adapted by Juczyński and Ogińska-Bulik, and the Social-Emotional Health Survey (SEHS) by Furlong in its version for higher education. The data analysis procedure included descriptive statistics and inferential statistical methods.
Results: The dimensions of students’ social-emotional health were found to be at a medium level. The self-belief dimension scored significantly higher in male students, while the belief in others was found to be higher in female students. Among females, correlations were observed between engagement in life and the strategy of positive reappraisal, the emotional component of health and positive reappraisal, as well as self-belief and active coping. Among males, engagement in life correlated with the strategy of behavioral disengagement. Predictors of students’ psychological strengths included strategies such as positive reappraisal, acceptance, behavioral disengagement, self-blame, use of psychoactive substances, and humor. Positive reappraisal, seeking emotional support, active coping, and turning to religion were found to be predictors of health dimensions among females.
Conclusions: Gender differences were identified in terms of the level of development of social-emotional dimensions of health and their relationship with the stress coping strategies adopted.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2025.44.1.105-122
Date of publication: 2025-03-25 23:48:52
Date of submission: 2024-11-29 13:48:52
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