Education of a Child up to Seven Years Old in the Polish Care and Education System in the Opinions of Practitioners – Experts from Greater Poland

Katarzyna Bożena Sadowska


Since kindergartens and nurseries in Poland, despite the achievements of modern pedagogy, psychology and related sciences, still prefer the model of the directive, or even behavioral, education, the subject of the research presented in this study is the opinion of practitioners – experts regarding selected problems of educating a child up to seven years old in the Polish care system and education. The research aimed to identify the opinions of practitioners – experts regarding selected problems of education of children up to seven years of age in the Polish care and education system. The research problem is as follows: What are the selected problems of educating a child up to seven years old in the Polish care and education system? In connection with the above, many detailed problems were identified and described in the study. The research was carried out using the diagnostic survey method using the interview technique (with eight experts – practitioners with various seniority and professional experience from Greater Poland in the period from June to October 2023). The greatest shortcomings of educating a child up to the age of seven included the following: lack of child orientation, insufficiently qualified and reluctant staff towards children, lack of understanding of the determinants of educating a child up to the age of three, pursuit of directive education and education not adapted to the needs and capabilities of the child, and to the visual expectations parents and "expectations" related to documenting work, lack of "permission" for children’s play due to the instrumentalization of education and the commercialization of educational services.


child; education; nursery; kindergarten; teacher

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Date of publication: 2024-12-13 13:06:49
Date of submission: 2024-03-30 09:44:00


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