The Impact of the Hybridization of Higher Education on the Functioning of the Hanna Gumpricht Students’ Circle of Creative Educators (University of Siedlce) in View of the Challenges of the Future

Dorota Aydoğdu


The article aims to provide insight into the experiences of a group of students involved in the activities of the Hanna Gumpricht Students’ Circle of Creative Educators, operating at the University of Siedlce in the period 2021–2022, in the context of the impact of hybridization of higher education and in the perspective of future challenges (4Cs, Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution). While working remotely, this organization achieved spectacular successes in its cultural, scientific and organizational activities, as well as in cooperation with external entities with a similar activity profile. Data for the article were collected by the leader of the organization using naturalistic research (interview, observation, document analysis). The final conclusions suggest that trends in higher education in Poland should be dynamic. Researchers in scientific disciplines such as pedagogy and related ones should make regular efforts to “keep up” with technological progress and competences required in the 21st century, making universities a new center for generating innovation, while maintaining the quality of education and care for student subjectivity.


hybridization of higher education; scientific circle; competences of the future; 4Cs; Fourth Industrial Revolution

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Date of publication: 2024-10-24 23:37:34
Date of submission: 2023-09-06 15:53:33


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