Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio N – Educatio Nova

Annales UMCS sectio N Educatio Nova publishes research papers presenting findings that can be implemented at different educational levels.The journal brings together various strains of research in the humanities, mainly literature and linguistics as well as culture and religion, and in the social sciences, including pedagogy, psychology, social communication and media. The annual volumes of our journal cover multidisciplinary approaches to education. Each volume offers Polish and international scholars a forum for sharing ideas and facilitating professional cooperation. Contributions from scholars who begin their career in Academia are also encouraged.

 Punkty MEiN: 40
ISSN: 2451-0491
e-ISSN: 2543-9340

ICV 2022 = 100

Submitted articles rejection rate: approx



We invite authors to submit proposals for Educatio Nova, Volume 10, which will focus on the theme of



Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following issues:

• types of prejudices and discrimination (e.g. racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia);

• the origins of prejudice and discrimination;

• aggression (hostile aggression, instrumental aggression);

• intimidation as a contemporary form of aggression (bullying, cyberbullying);

• the dichotomies of  the self/the other,  the self/the stranger,  the natural/abnormal,  the normative/non-normative, the civilised/uncivilized;

• practices intended to degrade others (labelling, stigmatising, stereotyping, dehumanisation, depersonification);

• hate speech;

• strategies of exclusion (rhetoric of contempt, rhetoric of threat);

• lie, slander, manipulating the meaning of words);

• limits to freedom of expression;

• the dichotomy of altruism/egoism;

• femininity and masculinity in the media, literature, culture.

We also invite authors to submit proposals for the Varia section, where we publish papers consistent with the aims and scope of our journal, which are not directly related to the main theme of the volume.

Submission deadline: 10 October 2024

Posted: 2024-09-09

Professional Plagiarism Prevention


The editorial board of „Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio N - Educatio Nova” would like to kindly inform the readers of our journal that we are using iThenticate (Professional Plagiarism Prevention) to check all submissions.


Posted: 2024-07-09
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Vol 8 (2023)

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