Globalization as a challenge for professional education
This article deals with vocational education as an element of globalization in the modern world. The aim of the article is to determine the basic issues in the field of vocational education in times of globalization. The article focuses on such issues as the specificity of vocational education in Poland and in the world, the importance of vocational education for the contemporary world, the concept and features of globalization, determinants of globalization in the modern world and vocational education as a result of globalizing the world today. A man from a citizen of a given state has become a citizen of the world. This fact brings with it both a lot of advantages and many threats, including in the sphere of vocational education, for which ubiquitous changes have brought many new challenges. This particularly applies to the adaptation of curricula to the needs of societies operating in new economic, social and cultural conditions, including taking action to reduce the disproportion between the knowledge mastered by students and the skills or the extension of specialist education. Vocational education must face the necessity of changing priorities in order to educate mobile employees of the market economy, active and capable of continuous self-education, in accordance with globalization trends.
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Date of publication: 2020-06-03 13:24:59
Date of submission: 2019-02-06 15:51:49
Copyright (c) 2020 Beata Mydłowska

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