Teacher humor styles based on Rod Martin's model. Pilot studies

Urszula Olejnik


A humor is a new issue in pedagogy and recently it has been a subject of more advanced scientific research. The article presents the results of the empirical research, whose purpose was to diagnose teachers humor styles. The research sample, testing by the Humor Styles Questionnaire, was a group of 41 primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers. A survey revealed that teachers presented predominantly adaptive humor styles, definitely less often – non-adaptive. It was also noticed that humor styles level decrease along with the age and seniority.


humor; humor in education; styles of humor; teachers` humor styles

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2019.38.3.189-205
Date of publication: 2019-12-28 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2019-05-12 14:17:31


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