Critical Thinking as an Area of Development and Independent Action in a School Team
Introduction: The changeability of the surrounding world influences modifications in education. The priority is to develop the ability of creative thinking in teachers and their students as a pillar of contemporary educational development. The global world of the information age requires the acquisition of appropriate preparation combined with learning critical thinking to enable coping with the abundance of information, its selection, and its use within and outside the team.
Research Aim: The purpose of the research: It will include a proposal to use critical thinking to support teachers and students in deciding to change their current manner of thinking, acting, and organizing the school team in dynamic contemporary times.
Evidence-based Facts: The deductive method of literature analysis will reveal selected sources focusing not only on theoretical solutions but also on their applications, which will transform the current activity of educational partners and direct them towards development and independence.
Summary: The research and reflections conducted showed that teachers and their students should deepen their knowledge of critical thinking, its properties, and its appropriate use in school and extracurricular activities. They should learn to distinguish facts from opinions, forming a mature attitude that improves themselves and their skills so that they become open to the world and new challenges in the constantly evolving educational reality. Theoretical and practical reflections revealed important features of critical thinking, the learning of which was compared to the steps occurring in a research structure that can adapt to the rules of a school team based on the principles of teacher empowerment, constituting a unique and innovative element of combining theory with educational practice.
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Date of publication: 2025-03-25 23:48:46
Date of submission: 2024-06-04 19:14:56
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