Linguistic sources of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination against circular migrants' children

Sławomir Trusz


The article presents the results of 4 experiments testing linguistically induced processes of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination of circular migrants’ children (so-called „euroorphans”). Using the semantic supraliminal priming procedure the schemata of „euroorphan”, „orphan”, „euro” and „child” (control condition) werearoused, and then the subjects were asked to complete experimental task. Participants from „euroorphan” and „orphan” condition (a) were more inclined to associate ambiguous material (fingerprints) with the low intelligence of their alleged owners (exp. 1), (b) more/less accurately identified the expression of sadness/happiness emotions presented in the photos of children’s faces (exp. 2) and (c) were less patient, interrupting the investigator's activity faster(exp. 3) than subjects from „child” as well as „euro” and „orphan” conditions, taken together. The obtained results were summarized in two meta-analyses. The average effect size of „euroorphan” label ranged from d-Cohen = 0.608 to 1.614.


euro-orphanhood, language,stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination

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Date of publication: 2020-06-03 13:24:47
Date of submission: 2018-12-30 23:30:28


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