Ukrainian family as the basic center of parenting (historical and pedagogical aspect)

Marija Czepil


The values of family education in Ukrainian families were the focus of attention among Ukrainian educators. Ukrainian family cherished the system of values, which have formed the cult of mother and father, grandmother and grandfather, the cult of family and nation since the ancient times. The great attention is paid to the content of an individual formation in the family. The parents tried to form a need in their children’s minds to know their ancestry on both paternal and maternal sides, to educate children in dignity, honor and pride in their ancestors, desire and willingness to preserve and multiply the achievements of the family. To achieve this goal, children were drawn to the practical continuation of family customs, the realization of family plans, dreams, hopes, traditions, eternal desires of the Ukrainian people. A child feels the needs of the whole family and other people with its heart, soul and mind, he/she begins to worry about the interests of the family, people, nation. Pedagogues urged to preserve and honor, magnify and glorify human love, to form moral values from the perspective of kindness, justice, dignity, truth, honor, humanity; to cultivate thrift, to form the skills of home keeping, draw to folk art and so on. Today, the assumptions of the parental pedagogy of Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi and the family pedagogy of Myroslav Stelmakhovych are still valid.


Ukrainian family; values of education; children; Ukrainian pedagogical thought; parental pedagogy; family pedagogy

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Date of publication: 2018-11-21 09:27:20
Date of submission: 2017-10-15 19:42:03


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