Beginnings Can Be Difficult. Developmental Changes in Locus of Control among Students in Early Adolescence Facing the Changes in Education System in Poland
The aim of the article was to present the results and conclusions of research on the developmental changes in locus of control among contemporary youth in the phase of early adolescence experiencing transformations of education system in Poland. The analysis constitute a summary of the first two, from the planned three, longitudinal research stages. The presented results are based on the yearly measurement of the locus of control in two groups of students: a group from primary schools, which is the first to implement extended education in primary schools – respectively in sixth and seventh grades, and students from extinguished junior high schools – in first and second grades. Locus of generalized control and separately in the situations of successes and failures were assessed on the basis of the Questionnaire for the Survey of Sense of Control (Kwestionariusz do Badania Poczucia Kontroli) KBPK and KBPK-R. Differences in developmental changes of locus of control between students in primary and junior high schools were analyzed. The results indicated that during two years of research internal locus of control increased in both groups of students, but primary school students had significantly higher internal tendency of feeling responsibility for events especially in case of successful situations. Additional analysis including gender revealed an increase in girls’ generalized locus of control and in locus of control of failures in the group of junior high school boys.
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Date of publication: 2020-06-29 17:48:42
Date of submission: 2019-05-31 13:20:59
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